PND Podcast

Honesty Is The Best Policy In Dating | PND EP 2.5

March 23, 2024 Paulina and Derlis Season 1 Episode 2

Join Paulina & Derlis for another wild ride of laughs and real talk in "Honesty Is The Best Policy In Dating - EP 3”  #Dating #NoFilter #SwipeRight

In this episode, we strip back the curtains on trust and intimacy, cutting through the digital noise to explore what binds us together in today’s whirlwind of love and relationships. With Paulina’s knack for telling it how it is and Derlis’s unapologetic honesty, buckle up for a journey into the heart of modern connection.

Paulina throws light on the tightrope walk that is trust in relationships, poking fun at the quirks of dating apps, while Derlis chips in with his signature blend of wit and wisdom, revealing the unexpected places where intimacy can bloom in the digital world.

Gear up for a candid discussion on the quirks of modern dating, the bittersweet symphony of technology, and why showing your true self is the ultimate game-changer in making connections that last.

Speaker 1:

I, you know there's opinions on masturbation and, like some people think, that's, you know, not healthy, because then it takes away from an actual experience. Everything is balanced in life. Yeah, that's literally drugs, alcohol. Well, that's drug too, you know masturbation. Everything is a balance. So as long as you you can keep the balance, then I don't see him.

Speaker 2:

Would you be mad at your man masturbating rather than having sex with you?

Speaker 1:

Well, okay, so here's, here's my, here are my thoughts on this. So, for instance, like, if I know you're going out with the boys and I'm home, I would, if we can have sex. I would love to have sex with you before you leave. But if we don't, I would almost want you to masturbate to release that tension, because when you're out there with the chicks out there, you know I feel like. Tell me if I'm wrong. Obviously it's, it's. I'm generally speaking right now from my experience as a bartender and someone who can easily manipulate a man.

Speaker 3:

No, I'm saying random men.

Speaker 1:

What I'm saying is like if you release the tension and you're in relationship, if you release the tension before going out with the boys, no chick is going to be within your interest because you already released the tension. I mean, that's just like in my head. Again, I'm not a man. But if you don't release, you might be more prone to getting manipulated by a chick to do certain things and you might regret it later because alcohol is involved.

Speaker 3:

So tell me, I mean tell me.

Speaker 1:

I'm just curious, that just my.

Speaker 2:

I rarely go out drinking at this point in my life, I smoke a lot more.

Speaker 1:

But I don't mind my men masturbating, as long as it's not taking masturbating. But as long as it's not taking away, taking away from our relationship you know, and then it comes down to communication, like Victor said, you know, like why are you masturbating?

Speaker 1:

Is that something that you know we can spice things up? Like let's talk about it, because people are first to fuck but no one wants to talk about it. You know what I mean. Like and same with experience alone, like sex, sexual experience alone. Like, if you don't feel satisfied, talk about it. Like, guide me through it. You know we've talked about this early on the earlier, earlier podcast, briefly, where it's like don't like chicks, sometimes blame guys. Oh, you suck at bed. Like, did you tell him what to do? Like, did you guide him? Like, if he's touching you in the wrong place, freaking, grab his hand and show him where to go.

Speaker 1:

You know there should be more communication than sex. You know, and that's when the best sex for me was, when I was able to communicate and be myself and connect with someone on the true level. Vulnerability from a man and vulnerability, vulnerability from a woman. That's when you have the best experience. But there's a lot of like guards that people have because of traumas. So, oh, that's like one of the most common question. People ask me that know me, how do you stay so beautiful deep inside, yet you've been hurt so many times and I like to answer this because I heal. I heal from every single.

Speaker 2:

She is like her own victim, plus Elprin at the same time. She's just like own therapist, plus I am. I am kind of it's so funny, I fix myself.

Speaker 1:

No, I mean, I have outside resources you know to fix myself, fix myself, to grow.

Speaker 1:

But you know, people are like how are you not a bitch yet? Like you should be a bitch because you've been through so much, and people like walked all over you and kicked you when you were already laying down. It's terrible, you know, but I just I know that I can make an impact on other people by being the way I am, by telling my story, and everyone is different. You know why am I going to block myself from a new potential partner, romantic partner, because of my traumas. He's not going to get a full experience of me, aka the true, authentic Paulina, because I'm traumatized, because I haven't healed yet.

Speaker 1:

So I this is where I'm at right now Like I don't want to be in any relationship because I'm still working on healing and still working on this rediscovering myself and me entering in a new relationship is going to be selfish because I'm not going to ruin it for sure. But there are going to be situations where I might project on someone, like the trust issues I do have trust issues, you know, because of obvious reasons, but also like maybe I don't trust myself enough either. So there's like a lot of reflection going on right now in my life that I've been asked like let's go on a date, let's, let's do this, like, are you open to, to find, to learning about each other? And then I'm like, no, I'm open about it, but just you know, like I'm not going to be in a relationship because I can't, like I'm going to ruin it subconsciously.

Speaker 2:

One person that you've sent me multiple times like what is her name? Like with a hat.

Speaker 1:

Dr Sara Al-Madani. She's a very like spiritual person and she has a ginormous knowledge on mindset. Like I said, spirituality relationship.

Speaker 2:

So what's been one of her, one of her favorite things that you've heard from her that like helped heal you.

Speaker 1:

I think what she said that you know, because I've always been like why am I attracting these guys that are broken, you know? And like I just subconsciously like healed them for another person, you know, and it fucking happened to me all the time and I'm like God damn it, like I don't want to fix you. I want you to be ready to come to me and this is what I mean, like you need to heal yourself before you enter a new relationship, and that also had to. Like when I started listening to her, I was like, oh my God, I'm not healed. This is why I'm attracting broken people. Because I'm broken, my cup is not full, so I'm naturally attracting people that are the same.

Speaker 1:

So I started to surround myself with better people, people that actually have successful relationships, you know, and I've started attracting better men right away as well. So she is huge on surrounding yourself with the right circle, you know. She's huge on just like diving deeper into you and going through the pain and healing that way and also being okay with the fact that you might have been someone's blessing that they were praying for. Like I said before, you know, they might have been praying for someone who enters their life and heals them, and so don't look at it as like a loss because you healed them for another woman. You actually helped another person. Look at it this way and that will that energy that you gave out. It's going to come back and bless you one day.

Speaker 1:

I am too old in my soul like I'm 29, but I definitely have a mindset of a 35 year old, Like it is oh, whoa, that's old. It is old, I mean probably older.

Speaker 2:

I'm turning 35 this year. I'm just like, yeah, I don't, I don't like it's so weird. Now that you mentioned it, I was thinking about this is just like once I hit 18, or around 18, 19, 20, I'm not saying like I don't have the experience that I had, obviously, but I still feel the same Like versus. You know, I can look back when I was like seven or like 13.

Speaker 2:

Those were very different ages in my mindset. I'm just like not really knowing the world so well versus like 18 where I was like. Until now I'm just like I still feel like I was 18.

Speaker 2:

But now I know like yeah, I shouldn't do that Like like you know what I'm saying so it's it's weird to have gone through life now with that experience and knowing like I'm going to feel like because I think I asked an old person this and it's like, yeah, I feel the same way, the same age that I did, like 18, but with all this experience, all this time, just that's good we're then my body and it's just like it's.

Speaker 2:

It's cool to realize that that like now you're just going through years, like that's why they say, like the first 18 or 20 years, like you know, like you're just really fucking growing up and learning and shit like that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but then like from 20 to hopefully you pass 80, but like you have that just what 60 years at that point of really living, but really like the last 10 or 20 years of your life you're not really going to be moving. So you really got to move within 40 years of just like from 20 to 60.

Speaker 1:

Make shit happen, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Like you have that time for those years to do something? Cause I remember I talked to a guy in Costa Rica when, like he was like you know, like I want to say like 60 year old, and he was just telling me it was like cause he's like taking his boat around the world and then I yeah, he was just like telling me all the places he's been and just all the beauty, everything he's seen.

Speaker 2:

But he told me it's like, well, what should I? I asked him like, what should I do? Like or like do it while you're young, don't do it when you're older.

Speaker 1:

I agree with that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah Cause, like traveling when you're older, it's just like fuck this, and you don't know what's going to happen tomorrow.

Speaker 1:

And people hate on me because I travel a lot and sometimes I feel guilty.

Speaker 2:

They hate on you.

Speaker 1:

Like no they're just like you living unrealistic lifestyle and I'm like, really, Cause I'm fucking real.

Speaker 3:

So how is it?

Speaker 1:

unreal Like swear to God.

Speaker 3:

Here I am Fuck you Living it.

Speaker 1:

So if I can, you can too, you know, but I choose to. I choose to enjoy life.

Speaker 1:

I've lost a lot of important people in my life In the past five years and life takes them away very quickly. And is that how you say it? I don't even know, but you know what I mean that I decided to enjoy it more and not be stuck at nine to five, not to hate, because there's a lot of people that love their job, and good for you. Holy shit, god bless you. I can't be trapped in a nine to five. I cannot be trapped in front of the desk unless I'm working for myself, which I do now.

Speaker 1:

But I travel and I get like a lot of people hating on me and just like, oh, when are you going to focus on the career? I'm like that's my fucking career. Like how many people go to college and graduate and don't even use their degree? You know what I mean. Like you make career or whatever you want it to. Victor's like me Exactly Like what the hell. So I think you should enjoy, obviously, have a balance. You know focus, have goals, be driven. You know invest money, make money. But if you freaking want to go somewhere, just fucking go, because you don't know if tomorrow is not promised. And gratitude, like we mentioned earlier, has brought me to that realization that you know what we're really just adult children.

Speaker 1:

You know you want to play like life is a game, life is a trial and error and you know if you were just in this routine. Every day is the same and boring, and you know you go through the emotions. You're not living, you're just fucking surviving. Who wants to live that life? I don't. So my ass is fucking going places every month, are every week, pretty much Like I'm always going somewhere and I love it and I love it.

Speaker 1:

And don't get me wrong, I still am smart with my money and finances and I just have a belief that I'm never gonna struggle with money and I'll always find the money.

Speaker 1:

So, and that came also with a lot of self growth. But if you put in your head that tomorrow is not promised and remind yourself that, don't stress yourself out too much about it, but like just understand that life is about living and not just fucking working. And I have a good point about this too Like European people versus Americans, Like Europeans versus Americans, I've realized that Americans really like live to work and European is opposite. They work to live, so they work to be able to go out and enjoy, because they understand that experience are the only things that no one can take away from you. Yeah, you can buy a house, you can buy a nice whip, you can have all these materialistic things, but I can come and take them away from you any moment and I feel like experiences are the things that are always gonna be in here, so might as well invest in those, first and foremost, while you're young, while you can.

Speaker 2:

And then you can be like God. You can't take this.

Speaker 1:

No, can't fucking take that shit.

Speaker 2:

And then he hit you with amnesia.

Speaker 3:

And then he's like I didn't try, let's go. She's like fuck, I don't remember shit.

Speaker 1:

Thank God, I fucking take million pictures ever I go on videos.

Speaker 2:

Oh, imagine if you had amnesia.

Speaker 1:

It's like I think that would be like the biggest punishment for me. Do you think you would be the?

Speaker 2:

same person.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

You don't think you would. No, you don't think you would like if they presented you with evidence you think, how would that affect?

Speaker 3:

you Like, 51st, eighths.

Speaker 2:

No, no, no no.

Speaker 3:

Like evidence, like a video tape every morning.

Speaker 1:

That's not like that. Yeah, all are so pretty and beautiful and everything.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and Hawaii too, yeah. But I'm saying more so in the sense of, like you got hit with amnesia, amnesia, like you don't remember back, let's say the last 20 years or some shit like that. Like you remember so many years, younger years, but like you got, like what's that girl from the notebook? Like there was a movie where, like with Chad Tainam, there was a car, she got hit by it and then she like remembers back to her first husband, not like the new husband.

Speaker 1:

Oh, one thing I know I don't know the title, but I know what you're talking about.

Speaker 2:

So she ends up like going back to the first husband.

Speaker 1:

You know I was like what the fuck yeah, exactly, cause that's all she remembered yeah.

Speaker 2:

I was like don't you see the photos?

Speaker 1:

I got the sex tape right here. But, I do believe that feelings would bring some memories back, even with a disease. Again, we're not in people's shoes, we don't know how it is to have amnesia and I'm sorry if someone's dealing with that, but I think emotions and like connection can bring some memories and smell, that would help.

Speaker 2:

So oh and smell, smelly, smell smell.

Speaker 1:

Yep, that smelly smell, even the smelly smell.

Speaker 2:

Have you ever smelled? Like somebody's pillow or like what, oh hell yeah, yeah, right so.

Speaker 1:

I had people, you know, wearing the same clothes that they left me with because they, you know I smell Great, I guess. Thanks, ha, ha, ha ha.

Speaker 2:

Voila, but yeah.

Speaker 3:

I wouldn't like wash my bedding and stuff.

Speaker 2:

Gross, ha ha ha Gross, I'm just kidding.

Speaker 1:

I'm just kidding, I would like sniff that person off my pillow for sure.

Speaker 2:

Of course, of course.

Speaker 1:

But what was I saying? Oh, speaking of going quickly back to, like, dating someone with a child and stuff like that, I think it really comes down to the relationship they have with the baby mama, baby daddy.

Speaker 1:

If there is toxicity, I'm out, like if you guys are on the same page and you co-parent and that person moved on with their life and that person moved on with their life and you guys are responsible parents and both parents have access to the child. That sounds weird, but like both parents can parent on regular, that it's not like dad has only two days out of the week.

Speaker 3:

You know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

Then I see myself seeing past it and giving that person a shot.

Speaker 2:

But other than that, if there's baby mama drama or baby daddy drama, I'm out Like I'm trying to be drama-free, you know, Of course of course, and especially with a kid involved, like because you're meeting him or her and then you just build up a rapport and a relationship and then it's just like swipe.

Speaker 1:

Like it's like yeah.

Speaker 2:

And that's sort of where, like you know, investing time, investing energy is, like you know, everybody talks forgiveness and it's just like, but it's a tricky, complicated situation where it gets a little bit just like, ah, you know, like dicey. But I agree with you on the fact that, just like I'm open to the idea of it, depending on the situation you know, like any ex that comes back in my life or anything, I'm always open to the situation If it's right. If it's not, then obviously you gotta just judge it for what it is.

Speaker 2:

Like in toxic relationships. You know them, you've been through them and you just know. Just like I ain't gonna deal with this, sorry like peace, but you know eight town down, but like what is?

Speaker 1:

oh sorry.

Speaker 2:

Go, go go.

Speaker 1:

No, like what are your how would you call it? Non-negotiables in a relationship, like leading up to relationships like what is it that you absolutely would not tolerate?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I mean, I think a lot of people always say cheating and stuff like that.

Speaker 1:

I think it comes down to lying.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. For a reason, things of that nature, but I think some things that go along with that, that evolve from that. It's just not communicating properly, just like, just make. That's what I wouldn't tolerate. It's like you don't talk to me about something, even if it's uncomfortable, cause I had a conversation with Victor about this today in the morning. I was like you talk to me when I tell you I want an update motherfucker, it's just like.

Speaker 3:

I was like I didn't think nothing of him. I'm seeing him later today, exactly. I have no updates. I'm like, okay, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Exactly so. That's why I told him respectfully though and again, that's maturity- Like from coming talking to him a lot of times and that's a stressful situation.

Speaker 3:

Next time I'll text you no update. Yeah, Exactly.

Speaker 2:

But that was it. I had to communicate that with him about how that made me feel, just like because it's not, it's not you know, like he didn't think about it and it's understandable, but I'm just letting you know right now it's a sensitive topic and the way yeah, I need or like a text yeah, exactly like.

Speaker 1:

And so imagine bundling it up instead of actually communicating.

Speaker 3:

You guys would be freaking off like terms would be like off, it would just generally.

Speaker 2:

I think about killing Victor, like every once in a day.

Speaker 3:

But we're usually off already.

Speaker 2:

But you know what they say. You know loving war, you know that shit just. Opposites right happen because of our love more like those love situations anything push yours Buttons you know and someone's in love.

Speaker 1:

They're vulnerable, most likely, and they're easy to the trigger.

Speaker 2:

Yeah they can get easy triggered and that's why I wonder if, like, one of my issues is like vulnerability, to the point of just like really truly being vulnerable with somebody, because sometimes I feel like I've been vulnerable and like I kind of just to this point, I'm just like I don't want to waste vulnerability, that level of openness, if that I feel that person is not gonna give me that.

Speaker 1:

You know, but you're not gonna know until you experience it, and the only that's the thing like people are not vulnerable nowadays because vulnerability is perceived, perceived like, viewed as Weakness oh, that's terrible with the potential of getting hurt, with the potential of getting judged.

Speaker 1:

Yes, this is why I feel like a lot of people don't want to be vulnerable, because they're scared of getting hurt. And the only way to grow and actually Be in a healthy relationship and be happy with yourself is to grow, and so, aka, you have to go through the pain. So if you avoid being vulnerable, you might cut yourself, missing out on an amazing partner Because you weren't able to, kind of like, put that ego to the side.

Speaker 2:

But yeah like weakness and I think, generally weakness. Yes, we all have weakness.

Speaker 3:

Oh, yeah, but.

Speaker 2:

Like he said, it was just like you shouldn't aim to have weakness. You should just you know continually be courageous and continually learn to Strengthen yourself.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know. Yeah, because it comes with confidence if you're confident in who you are.

Speaker 2:

You don't care that people you know one thing I love about confidence it's built within yourself.

Speaker 1:

It's like keeping it's not acquired, it's built. You have yeah.

Speaker 2:

I think Alex Ramonze said it was just like he was saying. It was just like you know, it's through the promises that you keep to yourself. Mm-hmm that builds confidence. Yeah which is just a beautiful thing they're like really understand that every time that you tell yourself like I'm gonna hit to the gym, and then you do it, and then I'm gonna do this and then, you do it. You just build that confidence, I can do this. Because I say, I can do this?

Speaker 1:

right. You trust in yourself. Yeah, and your decisions. I agree with that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah so I think the world is gonna be a better place if we all just heal a little bit more and aim, dive deeper into our souls so we can See who we are and become confident and bring that into the relationships with ourselves and others and just become more vulnerable and Understand that it's not a weakness, it's a strength. And how supposed to? How is someone supposed to know you if you can't be vulnerable? How are they supposed to trust you if you're not fully vulnerable with them?

Speaker 2:

So do you like small talk?

Speaker 1:

Um, I don't mind small talk.

Speaker 2:

Bartender say you know yeah. Small talk starts a talk and then we can get into like deeper conversations that are and I think, like a lot of guys Don't know, there's like you don't be vulnerable just in the first five minutes of, like you know, like my mom died.

Speaker 1:

If you, if you're interested on the first date, like don't give me all of you, obviously, but if you're interested in me, like, I think vulnerability, like if a man can be vulnerable, that's the most attractive thing for me, because it's like okay, you're in touch with your emotions, you know who you are, you know what you want, what you don't want, and you're willing to share it. You, with the potential of me never calling you again or never sleeping with you again or never being with you again. But people that are scared to don't achieve a lot. So put that shit aside and understand that life is scary, life is unpredictable. Changes are required to Better your life and better yourself and be almost like. I always say to my girls that I mentor, um, I'm like become best friends with fear. If something scares you, that means you have to go after it.

Speaker 1:

Right times money for me, one hour of my fucking time is $958 literally. I've done calculation. I was like I need you know there's this book, get over your damn self, and it literally gives you a breakdown on like it asks you a couple of questions Like how much money would you want to make a year to be comfortable? You know in every aspect of your life right and you sit there and you analyze all like five million would be fucking great, but like, actually I, you know, I broke down what I would need, yeah, and I don't remember exactly what number I came out with.

Speaker 1:

But then the second question was how many hours a week do you want to work? Obviously, I want to work for myself. So if I love what I do, I'm gonna be working 40 hours, you know, a week, or let's say, I think I put down 35 hours a week, and then you came up with the An hourly rate of your time. So, and that's when a lot of things in my life has changed and a lot of adjustments started happening where, like, holy shit and out, one hour of my time is worth literally $958, which is not even a crazy amount of money, but it is some people.

Speaker 2:

So I stopped binge-watching Netflix and wasting my time on that.

Speaker 1:

Listen balances everything like you need sometimes just sitting on your ass and doing absolute.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but I've I've removed friends that I don't benefit.

Speaker 1:

From, in a way meaning like emotionally. I'm not talking about, you know, materialistic things. I'm saying like I had friends who would just suck my energy out of me because I'm positive and I'm healing. I have those healing. That was just me in the audience. Oh, my god, you and your mind.

Speaker 2:

But you know, I had to remove these friends and I didn't even give them explanation.

Speaker 1:

I just kind of like push them away in a way. And I, you know, same happened with People that I thought they were my right or dies, you know, and I'm like, oh my god. Like I started analyzing my relationships with people and I was like what kind of benefit is it in here, like me just repeating myself Because it's just like I'm not gonna be able to do anything about it. Like me just repeating myself because this bitch doesn't listen. And don't get wrong, sometimes I don't listen to my best friend, love you. But we benefit each other in many ways emotionally, emotional support, just being there for each other. She's my right-to-die, so she doesn't thank me for not listening sometimes.

Speaker 1:

And I'm also the someone who needs to learn from my own mistakes. My parents even know that, so they don't even tell me what to do anymore because it's just it's a waste of time. But long story short, one hour of my time is very precious and I've realized who I wanna spend it with and who I don't wanna spend it with. And that pushed a lot of people away as well, because they kept on like, oh, when are we catching up? Like let's go for lunch, and I was just like, hey, sorry, I'm busy, like I don't have to explain myself anymore to anybody, but there is no benefit, so Except.

Speaker 2:

God, yes, nothing, they're just like.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I didn't see his face but I'm for sure I don't know where I was going with this. Oh my God.

Speaker 2:

I do wanna go to those questions, though that we have Vic pull them up.

Speaker 3:

I can access your iCloud note thing.

Speaker 2:

Let me just check with the world. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh X let's go with X yeah.

Speaker 1:

I don't know if I have any.

Speaker 2:

You don't have an X on a guy. That's just like. Oh, like, I can tell you right now for Victor, like I said this, like a girl that has a bad laugh, oh yeah, that's annoying. Yeah, like, just Vic has a bad laugh Apparently, yeah, apparently, yeah. For me, just like every time I hear his real laugh, like cause he has two laughs, like one. That's just like you know I have like seven.

Speaker 3:

See, see, like my wife loves my laugh, so that's all that matters. Yeah, thank you, thank.

Speaker 2:

God, thank God, somebody does. But every time I hear his laugh I'm just like oh, oh, please Just laugh a different way.

Speaker 1:

I am so easy going. I don't know. It doesn't like I can see past stuff like that.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, if you bring a lot to the table, I like little things would like it wouldn't bother me. But also maybe I just haven't been. I haven't experienced someone with like a bad laugh.

Speaker 2:

Well, aside from the bad laugh thing, I don't know about any ics.

Speaker 1:

Like any ics? Oh, definitely I think.

Speaker 2:

I turned a girl off a Nick that I had was, and I realized and I was like I'm never doing this again. It was like being cheap, not like oh, okay. Like mentally I was in a space where I was just like looking out for money and stuff, like that yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Like and I just remember, I swear to God like she was Jewish too. It was funny as hell Like I was just like that crepe was way too expensive, like $13. Stop. And like I talked about it like I knew I talked about it way too long, oh my God. But it was just like at a time that I was like you know, like, yeah, money is a lot and it's like but a $13 crepe. You know how much it takes to make a crepe. It's like two dollars.

Speaker 1:

I know cause we make great crepes in Poland.

Speaker 2:

Oh, have you ever tried a Japanese crepe?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

They go crazy on those crepes.

Speaker 1:

It's like a deep fried, or it's still regular, like just the Like they have a whole stick just for it and like they roll it up with fruit, or like a savory yeah, just like-. Yeah, cause you can make it sweet or savory. Yeah, I never had the savory.

Speaker 2:

Actually, I lied, I had the savory one time, but I was just like pause, but that was such a bad laugh right there. See, that's your real life right there. That's a lot of fun to do in Polina. She ends with like it changes at the American. Yeah, but yeah, like. So I've had good crepes and bad crepes, definitely, definitely You're so funny.

Speaker 1:

Hygiene is huge, for me for sure. Trying to think Can't cook. No, cause we can't cook, like can figure it out together, like there's a lot of things you can work through, like work with that person, with you know.

Speaker 2:

He has a circumcised penis or uncircumcised penis. You know what's crazy?

Speaker 1:

Oh my God, I have a story about this. So funny, that's so funny.

Speaker 3:

I'm glad I hit something in the eye to say so when you're up, we don't do that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so I remember first time having sex in America.

Speaker 1:

I'm like what the fuck is wrong with you. I was like, does this hurt what happened to your dick? I was like, does this hurt you? Like, why is there no skin in there?

Speaker 3:

Like I was just analyzing.

Speaker 1:

I remember, and I was just like this is weird, like it doesn't hurt, and I was like touching it and I'm like, and then he was like no, you're being weird, like what are you doing?

Speaker 3:

And I was like in Europe there is not.

Speaker 1:

maybe now there is, but like not. When I was like 18, 17, you know, 10 years ago. I don't think that was a thing so weird. I've always was like this has to hurt, like you have to be sensitive. I know the reason behind they do that obviously the bacteria and stuff but it was so funny, like I made this guy so uncomfortable. He's like why are you analyzing my dick? And I was just like cause shit, you have no skin there. This is weird. But yeah, I don't really have icks, that other than just like you know, just take care of yourself, jesus Christ.

Speaker 2:

Like the dirty nails.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I guess that's like unless you're working like your hands.

Speaker 2:

You are a man that works with but you can still clean your nails you can still clean it.

Speaker 1:

I don't mind like dirty hand cause like sometimes it stains you know if you, if you're working with your hands, but the nails like get it together.

Speaker 2:

I found I don't like this. It's like when people don't cover their cough or sneeze.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, that's just like who raised you. That's what an ick is Like I, like they don't study that enough. Because sometimes people don't know about that until like they're told about it, but like it's definitely like, oh, like cringe, it's just like yeah, I don't okay, so I don't know if it's an ick, but I don't like someone who's like up in my ass right away where it's like that's a nick.

Speaker 1:

Okay, where it's like, calm down, like I'm. I love cuddling and I am a very touchy person with the, the person I'm choosing to be with. But, like, if you're up in my ass from the beginning, I'm like you're too obsessive, get the back off. Like I can't. Like you need to let me breathe, you know and it's funny because my best friend, who's going to listen to this? She's like this bitch loves clingy people, you know. But like I like you clingy when we're together. Like, don't like, don't be too obsessive because it's a turn off for me you know.

Speaker 1:

So maybe it's a turn off, more so than the. What did you say, ike, ike?

Speaker 2:

Ike yeah, how about like a cheap date then, like like a first date, like he takes you to Chuck E Cheese? No, he takes you, but no, because she's your child. But no, like he takes you to, like I don't know David Buster's, or it takes you to.

Speaker 1:

David Buster's is fun because it's an experience. Then let's say If someone's like hey, Applebee's, I'm like no, like I would right away say no, Not, I just don't like Applebee's personally, but I do like.

Speaker 3:

You think you better than me.

Speaker 1:

I don't like it. I don't know what it is, but I don't like it.

Speaker 2:

No, it's fair.

Speaker 1:

I do like a man who will tell me like hey, be ready by six o'clock, wear this. Or like, give me like a hint to on on, like what to wear. I'm taking you like, Like the town, tell me the town. Or like you know, if you tell me what what to wear and I know it's something fancy then I know I'm being taken to the right spot. What I can tell, like, if you're inviting me for dinner, I do expect you to pay. I will offer to pay too, though, so I'll always take out my wallet, I'll always offer. I don't.

Speaker 1:

I think it's fair, though, when somebody asks like you to go out then it's fair to do that, yeah but then, like I always try to offer the tip, if you do pay for the bill, I don't know. I try to be fair because I want the potential romantic partner to know that I'm here for a partnership.

Speaker 2:

I don't have it If you, if like, you know like, oh, this is a terrible day doesn't matter, I still offer.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's yeah, because I would have to pay for my food.

Speaker 2:

I mean, ladies learn, okay yeah. I don't, you know I think it doesn't lead a man on, at the very least when you are like it's a bad date and you're just like, all right, let me just pay my share.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, cool, nice meeting you. I never had a bad date.

Speaker 2:

Really, yeah, really, I get along with a lot of people I've had. One of my worst dates was after a breakup. Like I ended up like this girl that I, like I knew from me. Same thing, ended up like him to my queen's apartment and it was just she wanted to like talk about our exes and stuff and like it was not healed.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Oh no, it wasn't. It was like and now I was just like I thought we were just fucking. Then, if this is the case, like you know, if we're just going to go to a bad place, and then just like, yeah, this, this date is going just horribly, and I'm just like, uh, okay, let's yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Well, no, I mean, like it ended up just like okay, are we going to fuck or not. And then, like you know, she was in bed like sort of getting ready, and then, like she just kind of held out and I was like again, I have no problem, but then just go home.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Like I mean if you want to like.

Speaker 1:

What are you doing?

Speaker 2:

Can't like. We just had the date. It's over. Obviously you don't want to.

Speaker 1:

The odds are not there Like just read the room, go home.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I get it.

Speaker 1:

No, I get along with a lot of people. I really do. I don't really.

Speaker 2:

I don't think I've ever had a bad date.

Speaker 1:

I'm trying to think, Don't think I have yeah.

Speaker 2:

Victor, have you had a bad date?

Speaker 3:

I don't think I have either.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

I usually get along with most people.

Speaker 1:

There you go.

Speaker 3:

I mean I've had dates that I felt like I've had dates were like like yeah, the vibes not there. This is Like I'm like it was a nice time, you were a cool person, but like definitely the connection never happened.

Speaker 1:

So Okay, yeah, but I never had like a nightmare date where I was trying to run from my life or something. I'm not gonna run from my life. Just like get me that, get me the check like I've never had that. But I also skin people very Well before I even go on a date with them, you know, and I don't fucking have time for dates first of all. So if I go on a date with you, you're special.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Yes, pre-qualified, because I really don't have time for this. I've been focusing on myself so much that I you know, I I'm trying to build, you know an empire.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I see you, I see.

Speaker 1:

His own empire is always welcome because he knows the grind, he knows the hustle. I understand that he's gonna be busy, he understands I'm gonna be busy.

Speaker 2:

So there's no like neediness, so let's go to the red pills section, then you know where those just like these have these conversations with these guys that end up just like you know, of course the man's gonna go fuck some other bitches. It's because it's like he's doing all the work, he's doing all this, so he succeeds, so he deserves all that glory. So what, what should like? You're already shaking your head like what? So I guess you disagree, yeah just agree.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, I hate this third stereotypical.

Speaker 1:

Male yeah, just no, just in general, like statements. I hate that because I like I will never be put in the kitchen and or like be told, oh, you have to stay home with the kids, like that's gonna be my choice, or our choice. Rather, we're gonna have to sit down and analyze finances and see where we are, but I'm gonna make sure that my husband at the time knows that, hey, I understand that this is the smartest decision right now for me to stay home with the kids and I'm all about raising my kids in and that's probably what what's gonna happen, honestly and this is why I have an online beauty business because I will be able to be home with the kids and raise them, because my mom Raised me and I turn out to be pretty good, so I definitely will want to stay with the kids. But if a man thinks he's gonna be like oh you know, I want a woman to stay at home while I grind, and that's like a typical traditional, you know, old-school relationship and I'm like no, that's great, but how about what I want? And then they like will help you on the same, and I'm like yeah, but I do, I Do, I am an alpha female, like I do need to do something that is Going to fulfill me and I'm not just gonna be a mom like I'm Paulina.

Speaker 1:

So when I have babies, I'm not just gonna transfer to be just a mom. I'm still Paulina. Now I'm a mom. So there's a couple of transitions that have to be made, but, like I still want to have my own business, I still want to be an entrepreneur. Like I still Want to mentor people and help people and impact other lives. So I hate when people are, like you know, females need to be at home with the kids and cook and serve for the husband While the husband goes to work. What if I want to work? Like you know? What if I'm making more money at the time when we enter a relationship? Then you do, can you stay home?

Speaker 2:

Well, would you be in? Okay with that, but like oh yeah, you be a stay home dad fluctuation of life.

Speaker 1:

So you know, if he tells me he doesn't, that's like too feminine for him, let's say, but he understands that right now I am a breadwinner and you know I am doing, you know the more like it just makes sense, financial sense, sense for him to stay at home. Then, like I'm never gonna be, like oh, you're forever gonna be stuck with the kids. Like I want you to be the man, I want you to be in your masculine energy and I want you to provide and protect the family. So it's a partnership. That's where it comes down to. Like I want to be with someone who is willing to be a partner and not just put me in a cage as like oh, you got to cook, you know I've worked my ass off. So like you need to cook tonight.

Speaker 1:

Like I'm probably gonna cook for you because I know you work your ass off, but like don't make.

Speaker 2:

Don't force me to be that I don't think you're gonna ever end up in that.

Speaker 1:

I was told, you know, because I go on a lot of paid for trips through my company, that I earn.

Speaker 2:

You want to shout them out.

Speaker 1:

No, it's, it's just. Yeah, I mean shit. Yeah no, you know, I was told like, I was asked like oh, so you do these girls trips all the time and I was just like, well, I don't call it really girls trips. Like, yeah, most of the people that do my business are females, because it's a beauty industry and I'm actually seeing more and more Men do this business, which I'm actually very happy about, but most of these trips, yes, have a lot of girls there gay men or regular. Not regular men.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I'll show you a couple there. And a lot of girls actually listen to them, which is crazy. But, um, so I was asked by this guy that I was on a date with like also, you do a lot of girls trips. And I was just like well, it's a business trip. And he's like so what, you guys don't have fun there? I'm like of course we do. I've earned, I worked my ass off for this trip, so of course we have fun.

Speaker 1:

Like what are you insisting? Like what are you trying to say? He's just like well, you know, a real man is never gonna like allow that. And I'm like what? And he was just like Well, he's not gonna want his woman to go out on these trips without him. And I'm like you can come, I have no problem with you coming. But like just understand that this is not gonna be a romantic trip.

Speaker 1:

Like I'm on the work trips, I actually want my partner to come to see what I am doing. Why are you laughing? Yeah, so I was like you know he was trying to say like oh, I'm never gonna be okay with that. And I was just like why wouldn't you? He's like cuz you wouldn't want me to go to Miami with the boys. I'm like I would not have a fucking problem with it. You know why. Because why would I? Yeah, if you, if I trust, like, I'm not gonna be in relationship Relation with you unless I trust you. And if you give me signs not to trust you, yeah, I'm not gonna have a. I'm gonna have a problem with you going to Miami with the boys. But, like, if I'm not giving you any reasons to not trust me, why wouldn't I be able to go on a trip that I earned With the girls?

Speaker 1:

She's like you guys probably gonna go to clubs and you're gonna be exposed around the men. I'm in control, I am in control. Yeah, I'm not speaking of the danger part. Right, like you know, I can be out of the resort to the girls and something might happen. But like what is my men? One men are gonna do with bunch of girls, to be honest.

Speaker 1:

But so he wasn't even speaking about the danger part. He was just like you know, these guys are gonna hit on you and stuff and I'm like what, I can't handle myself. Like you tell me I can't handle myself. I can handle myself. I've been a bartender for the past nine years on on the side, like I deal with this on a daily basis. So I just hate that. Like the old school mentality was like, oh, a real man's not gonna let his girl go on vacation. Or like a real man is gonna want his woman at home raising kids. Like, great, she probably wants the same shit. But like if you're gonna sit and tell me what you, what you're gonna expect me to do, you don't even know me on a on a deeper level and you're already telling me I'm gonna have to fucking be at home with the kids because I'm not gonna have another choice or another one. Let me get freaking into it. I'm dating a bartender. Like oh my god, like you're a bartender and I'm like, okay, like I make more money than doctors.

Speaker 2:

You have trouble with that?

Speaker 1:

Yeah with guys. Yeah, they were like I don't want to date bartender because you always have to flirt. I'm like I don't flirt at all actually.

Speaker 2:

So I would understand, like you know, and only fans. Yeah, it's like and my question is like you're doing porn like Well, there's only fans and there's only fans, but yeah exactly like. Of course there's people and only fans that like just do some normal or like, just like, but most of it is just like yeah, you're getting dick down, it's seal. Oh, it's only girl on girl.

Speaker 1:

No, bartender. I think it had to do with the fact that I'm exposed to men and they hit on me.

Speaker 1:

They, they look at me, they can talk to me and they're like I don't want to date a bartender. I'm gonna like I remember this guy saying I'm gonna like, when we're together, you know, I'm gonna, I'm gonna provide and I'm gonna, I'm gonna get you out of that environment as soon as possible One girl be like oh, my god, great, like he's gonna provide for me, like I'm not gonna have to work. Fantastic, good for you. Sis, I am a hustler. I like my own money. I'm not gonna have anybody ever to tell me what to do, especially when you are Entering my life and when I've already been a bartender for so many years. So, like we can have a discussion about this and you know, if it makes sense for me not to bartend anymore, sure, but you're not like, if you think you're gonna tell me that I'm not gonna bartend, I will run for my fucking life.

Speaker 2:

So if you were to tell you, though, like baby, I don't want you to bartend right now.

Speaker 1:

I want you cuz.

Speaker 2:

I want you to focus on your business. 1000% okay. I'll take care of the whole tab of that. Just stay with me. You focus on the whole business that you're doing.

Speaker 1:

I'm willing to give it a shot, but I have been thrown that shit in my face before.

Speaker 2:

So it's a little bit of a trauma for sure.

Speaker 1:

So I'm working on that to be more trust, to be more trusting in the new Romantic partner, potential romantic partner. But I've been thrown that shit in my face where it's like I've been supporting you like.

Speaker 2:

Yeah or like. I've been, I'm the breadwinner you know like, just to put me down and put me in my place and I'm like you told me to yeah, I meant to more like, like you said before, it's like we're here to build an empire together.

Speaker 2:

Yeah like, if we're, like you know, and yeah, supporting that kind of thing, I think that's where you would yeah, yeah like let's go, let's go to that, instead of like oh no, it's just, I wanted you to do that because I didn't want you to talk to dudes, which to me is like ridiculous.

Speaker 1:

Yo, you're gonna be here.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you're gonna be outside in the world, you're gonna talk to me. It's funny.

Speaker 1:

I'm a bartender, I've been bartending for nine years and I've never cheated. And all these motherfuckers cheated on me and they were not bartenders. So, like the bartender, as a, as a career, as a, as a profession, it's. It has nothing to do with well.

Speaker 2:

You know, the most inclined to cheating as far as a profession goes. To what?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

No, they're not even. I don't think they're that high on the list but like maybe seven or ten or somewhere.

Speaker 1:

But it's more of a Airplane student is this yeah, they're all like don't have a choice.

Speaker 2:

Well, they're all over the place, you know, yeah. And then the other one is nurses Like doctors and nurses, because a lot of it is like they watch. You know, life come and go, so they're just let's live it for the moment. Oh, interesting, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I just think it really is, depending on the person you're dating right Like. I can. I I'm in a full control, I am. If I want to get laid, I'm getting laid. If I don't want to get laid, I'm not getting laid, no matter how much the other person True, like I don't care how many men out there think they're in control in the situation. I control the situation. Like if I don't want to have sex with you, I'm not, we're not having sex. What are you gonna force me then? It's obvious so.

Speaker 1:

It's just the reality of it. I'm being wrong.

Speaker 2:

But in that stance that you just said, that yeah so if a woman wants sex, though, and the man's like no, Then we're not having sex, I guess but what I'm saying is like no what I'm saying, I guess.

Speaker 1:

But like, why wouldn't you want to have sex though?

Speaker 2:

Yes, personal reasons maybe I didn't want. I can't get it up right now.

Speaker 1:

I'll make you get it up, I Okay then there you go. Like I. I don't know, maybe I wasn't.

Speaker 2:

Sometimes you don't want to have sex, that's and I'm gonna be okay with that.

Speaker 1:

But what I'm saying is like if I personally want to have sex, I can make it happen, and I With you or somebody else if that came out of my mind, that's great folks.

Speaker 2:

That's a thousand percent, I'm gonna tell you, that's not great sounding right there.

Speaker 3:

It's alluring for you Absolutely if I said we're having sex.

Speaker 1:

I can't. No, I think a woman is the decision maker. Yeah, at the end of the day, if it comes to that stuff, because, guys, I mean it's really like you really have to have a shitty day or you had to really go through crazy stuff Not to want to have sex I mean correct me if I'm wrong For, for, for women, like we were more moody, you know, and I feel like it's just eat.

Speaker 2:

I'll be honest, as I get my older age, it's, it's just like yeah, I'm, I'm five years away, pretty much from 40 now, which is crazy.

Speaker 1:

Year away from 30.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but I've always heard this and from my understanding, sexuality for a woman Grows as she gets older. Like, yeah, yeah, like versus some yeah versus a man, though their sexual peak is around 1816, around those ages, which Kind of doesn't make sense to me. Put, like you know, horny kids next to like teachers that are just like, yeah, I want some dick, some young, young dick like right here right here yeah, yeah, but.

Speaker 2:

Aside from that, though, it's just. I just feel like as I get older, I'm just like sex doesn't mean as much to me. Yeah, it's just like in, and that's why it's a worry for me where it's just like I really I don't want, I feel insecure, just like not meeting the needs of a woman that I find very sexual. But I'm just like I just Today, I just I'm not there and that's fine.

Speaker 1:

I mean, it obviously comes to have age. But, like the, even a woman when she's more mature, like for me, I, like, I told you, like I don't master, be it masterbade I, if I masturbate once, once, every two weeks, it's, it's a thing, you know it like, life isn't no more about sex. It's more than that's building connection. It's building your wealth, it's experiencing other things. Sex is just like a cherry on top of the cake.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's another part of that experience that you get to yeah, you know, I love people like oh, if you don't, if we don't fucking really ship three times a day, then it's this, this. I'm like oh bro, I get, I get, I get shaved like I get dick cuts like my.

Speaker 2:

My dick spin has battle scars. Just do it. I'm just like I cannot. I Please lube it up, lube it up or I can't do this like it's like. I'm gonna be out for another three days coach. Sorry, like, like this Is kind of hurt both of us.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think there's so much more to live than just sex, especially when you hit, like you know, 30. I have not hit 30 yet, but, like I said, I am mature like you're gonna be more your sexual peak, like even in your 40s. I mean, yeah, I like 45.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so see, that's what I'm saying. I'm just like I'm over here Just like hanging out the dick towel, just like yep. It's over for me Like.

Speaker 1:

I had some good stints, but I also think, like for you, it's a matter of finding someone.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think I'm right person, but I think now, like I grew into more of it's a mental thing for me like I have to be really aroused Mentally to really want just do it.

Speaker 1:

That's a good thing yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I do enjoy that, but at the same time it's that's, it's a scare for me, because it's just like I want to. I do Want to please my girl.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know, but the thing is like it's we've talked about it before like it's not really the pleasing part for females. I would say 90% of females. It's not just penetration. Of course you know, like that's the good, that's a bright side to the problem when men, you know men. The age and have problem with those are like this function you do. You have plenty of different ways to please your lady you know and that can.

Speaker 2:

Pokemon cards.

Speaker 1:

No, seriously, you know the foreplay and the, the touching and the mental games. That's what will get your girl going. You know the, the, the, the penetration loan is just great. But, like I, if you just want to fuck, I'm not coming. There's no way I'm coming.

Speaker 2:

All I really want to do is, like take that one, I Like let's go. Just like I want to see all those kicks just come at me just like a dodge. That shit, I've gotten kicked in the face before, just for me and pussy, it's fun. I took it such like a compliment. I was like and she's just like baby, it's sensitive. I can't, I can't. That was like yeah yeah, I love that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm pointing, that thing swells up and you're just like I can't. I can't even get touched anymore.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, but thank you guys like, oh, yeah, yeah you finished.

Speaker 2:

You can't really do much but um some days, like some, some, some nuts, I can just get right back up. It's crazy. It's like I'm just figured out, just like yo, I'm a, I'm a, like yeah, you know.

Speaker 2:

It's just like sometimes that like, oh, I got that yeah yeah, but like I swear I I don't really come from blowjobs that often like it takes a very special girl, but like the best blowjob I've ever gotten, it was just like from the stripper. Funny enough, but I'll say that she was fat. Fat girls know how to suck dick. I will, a hundred percent they will. They will suck the ball juice out of you. Just like leave you dry, you know, so like cuz. I've seen some girls just like, like, just little, like that's not a blowjob honey, sorry, you know but that's another thing.

Speaker 1:

You you can teach a girl, you know how you like it, cuz everybody likes it differently.

Speaker 2:

But, like some girls, like they don't want to suck a dick. And it's sad for me because I'm just I wouldn't suck a random dick either.

Speaker 1:

Like I, that's something. Well, maybe not my men, but like someone who I'm really on a different level with that's.

Speaker 2:

That's like a treatment, so do you do you value more like Having a like? Because, like you know, like for me it's just like, and they had it on clerks number one where it's just like you know. Oh, like my girlfriend suck 47 dicks. Like she fucked like three people but suck 47 dick, that's what I'm saying she's like, but some girls like sucking dick.

Speaker 1:

I mean I like sucking dick of a man that deserves it. No, seriously, like I think it just the matter of how you make me feel, and if I feel special, then you will get that and it will be one of a kind experience but so you've had, though, like okay, more vaginal sex than blowjobs given to, because blowjobs are special. Yes, yes, I'm not putting nothing in my mouth unless you deserve it for sure.

Speaker 2:

See, vic, what's your score on this? I blowjobs more special Like Hail. A blowjob, like you know, this is, this is, this is a special treatment, versus like, oh, we're having sex through.

Speaker 3:

Through my history usually goes oral sex first and then full sex as introductory. I Mean.

Speaker 1:

So from my experience, I do get the oral experience, first me, me, me, and then, you know, we get into it, and then, like you know I will do, as a finisher, I'll go down on a guy, or I will, you know.

Speaker 3:

Second round he's so he's like a little boy.

Speaker 2:

I'm trying to finish here. I just got my own combat.

Speaker 1:

Um, I guess it depends. But yeah, I, if I'm having sex with you for the first time, don't even think about it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, I mean like cuz. There's these other girls that I've updated, which I it's a giant regret for me because they don't like blowjobs, even though they gave me a blowjob. I'm god bless. I love them for that, but like they would have preferred, you know, for me to do anal on them and just like okay and then this is so funny cuz I have a topic about anal. This is okay, we're going to. This is patreon work at this point.

Speaker 1:

Because I can't fucking believe it. I was asked at the dinner table have you ever eaten a grown ass? Men?

Speaker 3:

the grown men's ass, okay, and I'm like wait.

Speaker 1:

I was just so this like disturbed. I was like wait what? And he's just like yeah, I mean men's butt and I'm like, no, and he just like and like. I was just so confused. Why would you ask that at dinner table? That for one like, if anything?

Speaker 2:

what's the family there? No, it's just me and you, but like such a random topic to bring up.

Speaker 1:

I'm fucking eating and you're asking me if I ate a hairy ass. No, like I know that.

Speaker 2:

I know.

Speaker 1:

No, weird, I don't know personally, for me it's a fucking hard pass like I don't know, maybe because I come from a very like one way.

Speaker 2:

So let me ask you this then have you gotten your booty?

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, of course. Well, you got returned favor like what you want me to lift your legs up and, like, eat your ass. So let me just be a man in this whole fucking relationship at this point wow, wow my booty, but I welcome it like if I got my legs up there, sure, why not?

Speaker 2:

I mean like she's down there.

Speaker 1:

I mean listen, if it's maybe like if we're together and we're experiencing down the road, maybe, but like don't I'm talking work on the date and you're asking me this would you call this?

Speaker 2:

You said it, you labeled it to me. Oh, yeah, yeah, what?

Speaker 3:

specifically yeah eating booty. Isn't that um licking the all the copper penny?

Speaker 2:

That I was like. This man has eight butt before.

Speaker 3:

Shout out the Cody.

Speaker 1:

That's so funny yeah no. I. I was very disturbed and I was trying to get like. I felt so uncomfortable I tried. I was trying to like get out of the conversation and he's just like. I was like, oh, have you like experience? This is like yeah, I took girls to eat that were eating my ass. I was like how did you like girls? Yeah, did you like it? He was like yeah, I loved it.

Speaker 2:

And I this point.

Speaker 1:

I was sitting there I was questioning if he might be just gay, you know cuz it's just like I. I understand that there are men that like it and you know, no, no hate towards that, but like I just felt so uncomfortable so I was like in my culture that would be considered gay. So I'm not saying you're gay, but in my culture it is fucking far from something that any woman would do. So he took it as like all you call him in gay. Are you kidding me that? I like he took it so too hard. Maybe the way I said it, I don't know, I was just so uncomfortable.

Speaker 1:

And then my toxic as added to the experience, because I just had to spice it up, I was like so what is the next thing you would want to ask me? You know, just being like ironic, like just like. Just throwing some sarcasm there. He goes what do you mean? Like, that's it now. Like Would you want me to put a strap on? Do? And he, like, looks at me, gets up, leaves.

Speaker 2:

Let's go right now, no like he was so fucking offended.

Speaker 1:

I'm like, bro, you just asked me to eat your ass and now I'm like, oh, let me put a strap on, like I used to put a strap on when I was with my ex you know, not in like with the female and you know like that's where the Masculinity come and play.

Speaker 1:

And I was just like fucking with him and I was just like do you want me to put a shop on on? And he was just like so offended. I'm like okay, so you want me to eat your ass? But like if you like to experience it with your ass, like minus will just let me put a shop on. No, and he just like Did not like the idea. So it was a nightmare after that.

Speaker 2:

But I mean, I personally don't think it's. If it's like the only way it's gay it's if you're with a man. Man and a man like that's, if you're with your girl and you're just being freaky and you just like you got me, you'd like being. Like. That's where the man's G spot is.

Speaker 1:

I know, I know is that gay?

Speaker 2:

What do you think?

Speaker 3:

As long as it's consensual and it's like you said, between a female and a man and your partners.

Speaker 1:

I, I just you know the way I said, it was kind of I don't know, that would not fly, nope, nope, you gay, you, gay bro. Yeah, that would not be a thing. But, like I said, I would be open to something like that down the road if I am dating you. But like don't fucking tell me this on the date. Like, come on, like that's ridiculous.

Speaker 2:

No, it's like the third, but like that's a matter, though, like I don't know like.

Speaker 1:

Like we haven't even fucked good yet, like you know.

Speaker 2:

Now you're just putting him a blast.

Speaker 1:

No, he was great, like we had a good, like I had a great experience with him. But I'm saying like we haven't even fucked enough yet for you to even bring that up like bedroom conversations.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, thank you, of what else to events.

Speaker 2:

Parcha prudes in here. That's what I see. Like my goodness, crazy, weird and I was just.

Speaker 1:

I'm just so disturbed like I wish I forgot this guy overall because he was a weirdo. But now, because he asked me first man to ask me to eat his ass, let me eat your ass by myself. How about that? Like, don't ask me about it.